How to keep you dog cool in the summer heat!
Summer days can really take a toll on your dog! This Miami summer heat is no joke.
While most of the dogs' owners switch to pools or air conditioners, they are not the only way to keep yours dogs cool . They are expensive, and not everyone can afford the best of them.
Here are a few tips to keep your dog cool during this summer heat.
How to Keep Dog Cool?
Here are a few tips and tricks to keep your dog cool during the summer heat.
Stay hydrated
Keeping your dog hydrated is far more vital than throwing water on him. The right intake of water daily enhances his potential automatically.
Find them a cool spot
A dog is a tiny member compared to human members of the house, yet he is the bossiest. He is the dearest that is why he has a home within a house.
While your dog may have fixed his "Spot" in the house, you need to keep the air conditioner on and keep cool air flowing. If there is no AC, you’ll need to turn a fan on.
Exercise Timing
Your furry friend is your exercise buddy also. No matter what the temperature is, you and he cannot afford to skip the exercise routine. If it is hot and humid, choose the cooler part of the day to go out.
Go either in the early morning or evening. As your boy wears no joggers, you must touch the pavement if it is ok for his paws.
Make Cool Treats
While water is a must, you need to opt for the witty approaches to increase his intake. Give him cool treats. Go for ice pops. You can make ice cubes with different favors and add tasty treats inside.
Visit Your Vet
Seasonal grooming is vital. During the hot seasons, you need to take your dog to the vet every month. Get him groomed, rid of excessive hair, and tested for dehydration.
Here are some things to look out for if it does get too hot out :
1-Heavy panting
2-Heavy drooling
3-Trouble breathing
4-Rapid heartbeat
5-Dark or red gums and tongue
Summer time is a fun time to get out and enjoy the weather. Get out there and have some fun with your pup and keep them cool in the meantime.
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